Group Party Photos, How to?

Here is a rundown on how to take group photos. The most stressful time to think about these photos is before the wedding or quinceañera or whatever but remember we don’t have to reinvent the wheel. These photos can be very fun to do especially if you and everyone in the party are somewhat aware of what the outcome will be. This is why I decided to create this blog as an inspiration. These are some Go-To poses:

  1. Bouquets Out

    It’s as easy as the name makes it sound. Simply get those bouquets out and let em fly!

2. Arms Locked

This pose always reminds me of that pose where you swing your legs to one side and then the other. When you do this make sure you are super dramatic.


3. Fake Laughs can be fun

Fake laughs usually spark up real laughs. I always leave it to the funny one in the group to make the most significant laugh to get everyone else going.

4. Mix & Match

Typically you have the guys on one side and the girls on the other. Sometimes its cool to mix and match. Just go wherever the world takes you. Guy, girl, guy, girl, two and two its whatever.

5. Hat Tricks

If you have hats or any other type of accessories use them, Throw them in the air put them in front of your faces or in other peoples faces. Get crazy.

6. Tear them apart

This is a classic bride on one side groom on the other and simply tear them away from each other.

7. Center of Attention

This one is easy put the couple or quinceañera and they are the center of attention.

8. The Lift

Pick them up

9. The Basic

No brainer here, easy peezy

10. Last, but not least, Kiddos First

Kids are somewhat impatient with photos, make sure to get their photos done first! That is all
