1936 Coleman Lanterns I Glory Hole in Arkansas

So my friend Evan has a 1945 Coleman 242b lantern and a 1936 Coleman quicklite 427 lantern. We decided to hit the Ozark mountains in Arkansas an do a little exploring. 1.8 miles later and 31 degrees colder we finally made it to the famous glory hole. Luckily these lanterns put out about 800 degrees of heat so we were able to keep our hands warm enough to take a few good pictures. It was a little difficult because the water over the rocks ended up freezing causing the way down to the glory hole difficult and dangerous. Below are a few good shots we were able to get in the dark. The time was approximately 10:45 an it was pitch dark. The only thing giving out light was these lanterns. I do suggest you go out there when there is day light, The possibility of you falling off a cliff does exist.
